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Cardboard Wonders

I feel so fortunate to have a super team of teachers here at TREEHOUSE.  One of our instructors, Keara Connor is finishing up her MFA Art Education Degree at UGA this semester.  She has spent the last semester student teaching at Barrow and Jackson County Middle School.  Last night, Maypop and I attended an exhibition that her 6th grade students put on called ‘Cardboard Wonders’.  Each group of students created a life-sized room out of cardboard and other reused materials.

It was really amazing and made me so proud!  If you have a chance to stop by.  The exhibition will be up through Saturday, May 10, 5pm at the Lyndon House Art Center.

We can’t wait for our inventor camp to start!  I wonder what our lil’ inventors will come up with?

This reminds me of one of my favorite things that I have ever seen.  Take a moment and watch this amazing story of Cain’s arcade.  A true example of a DIY kid!


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