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Making Rain Clouds!

Now that was a fun CRAFT!  Thanks Aliza, Claire, Olivier, Paul, Robert, Rosalie, and Tiger for an awesome one!  Y’all made some amazing Rain Clouds!  And we are glad to have a sunny day today!

Want to make this craft at home?  This was a perfect project for the little ones!   All you need is glue, a stiff card stock for clouds and rain drops, yarn or string, watercolors, and a white crayon.

We glued the cotton balls to the cloud shape.  They loved to dip the ball in the glue!  To make the rain drops we made resist drawings first on our rain drops with the crayons.  We then painted on the watercolors to unveil the magic!  String on those rain drops and a rain cloud is born!!

Here are a couple of the ones that we finished!

project and photos by TREEHOUSE. kid and craft

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